Monday, February 4, 2013

Reality TV Bonanza

Chandala Hagans                                                                                                                           
Journal 2

Reality TV Bonanza
Reality TV shows are in excess. The airwaves seem to be filled with television shows that claim to display the regular ordinary lives of people from vast walks of life. The shows claim to show an exclusive, unscripted, yet highly entertaining view into what goes on in the lives of others. Yet if the shows receive low ratings, mundane boring characters, or less than desired viewing stats then the shows usually are quickly discontinued. In the Sports Wives and House Wives of…… series, women that most of the time are not married; neither have ever been, are grouped together and portrayed as friends.  The women in these shows waist a lot of time sitting around gossiping about each other.  Surprisingly, or not, the gossip is brought to the then absent person with exaggeration of what the party not present spoke and negative emphasis. Predictably, the listener is outraged that her new BFF would gossip about her and speak negatively.  This person then vows to confront and retaliate against the betrayer. The friendships in these shows seem to fizzle as fast if not faster than they start. Add a few shopping trips, meals, exotic vacations, colorful characters and wardrobes that fit the par and you have your basic elements to a lot of the current shows. These shows are not limited to certain channels. Historical and respectable channels like Discovery Channel and Animal Planet are not exempt. Although the reality programs on these channels appear to be more realistic and not overly dramatized with the script. The show Ice Road Truckers tells about the experiences of Class A license Truck Drivers. These drivers endure with some things like harsh weather conditions, delays in scheduling and equipment difficulties. The show Pawn Brothers  highlights the uniqueness, value, and sometimes interesting facts or qualities about different items brought into a Los Vegas pawnshop. Who knew that pawn shops and findings brought in for pawn could be so interesting.  Many people seemed to be drawn to reality TV shows. There are so many ongoing and new shows to choose from.  Just when we think that there cannot be another subject or category to display on TV in the “reality” faucet, comes the next show. Why people are draw to reality TV shows? Like most, I criticize and complain about Reality TV shows taking over the airways yet I’m glued to the television at least once a week for my favorite one as much as the next person. Are we that interested in what is going on in the lives of others; trying to keep up for conversation or are we truly entertained? One thing for sure is that there are so many shows to choose from, too many.  

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