Sunday, February 10, 2013

Digital Nation

Digital Nation
            In review of the documentary “Digital Nation”, I have mixed feelings about digital technology and its usage in various aspects of society. Computer, Online, and Virtual technology has become an enormous part of most societies. The movie featured description of how teens and young adults constantly fluctuate between multiple mobile devices on a daily basis. It’s not uncommon to see a teen with ear buds in his/her ears listening to I tunes, cellphone in hand texting friend and a tablet on desk with the face book program.  This generation calls the constant digital interactions multitasking. While many people think that multitasking is a helpful way to get many things done, others find it distracting and dangerous. Teens call it being “wired”. When I’m trying to do too many things at once; talk to a person, do my homework on the computer, answer text, phone calls and pay attention to my face book updates ding every few minutes…..I feel “wired”.  The wired I feel is translation, nervous, jittery, confused and overwhelmed. The movie discussed how some people felt a need to be relieved of the digital overhaul. I understood and agreed that it no longer is just a matter of unplugging your devices. Even when the computer is off, there are still emails and various requests being made via digital that people have to later answer to. We need to work together and respect that we are human beings with lives, families, likes, dislikes, responsibilities, various other issues, situations and events that prohibit one to answer every phone call at the moment that it is received.  It is wonderful that pertinent and important can be relayed in a timely manner or real time as it is happening. However, this technology doesn't give us a right to violate the privacy and choices of others. Advancement of technology can be of benefit if we respect and use it properly.

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